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Froebel Studies

Froebel Box Giftset No. 4

Designing and constructing box giftset number four in order to play with design through using wood, blocks, paper, and photography to create interesting and dynamic compositions.

"I think constraints are very important. They're positive, because they allow you to work off something."

~Charles Gwathmey

Group Members for box construction: Maggie Mueller + Alyx McCarthy

Giftset No. 4

Smoothing Treatment:  As an introduction to the Westcott Studio the first project given was to handcraft and design a maple wood Froebel Box Gift set. The gift set featured here is gift set  No. 4, which contains eight rectangular blocks. The details on the box are rhythmic joints along four sides with an operable top that opens by sliding a piece of redwood out of its locked position to reveal the eight blocks inside. In addition to creating the gift set, the blocks were used for further design exercises and exploration in conjunction with woven studies and original photography by Kristina Phillips


"Centralized" woven and block studies inspired by Kristina's nature photography 



"Linear" woven and block studies inspired by Kristina's nature photography 


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