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Peace Park


Sculptural park and Armistice hall for Dayton, Ohio’s Deeds Park.

The Peace Pavilion is based upon the idea of creating a neutral yet memorable Architectural design, where up to three countries can meet to sign peace treaties and documents. Located at Deed’s Park in Dayton, Ohio, the site has the advantage of being the point at
which the Great Miami River and Mad river connect as well as a
great view of the Downtown skyline. While taking advantage of the park’s location the concept behind the design of the project is the sculptural interpretation of three potential countries joining together to obtain peace by merging three triangular prisms together to form one unified structure. The project includes the Armistice Hall where peace documents are signed, public spaces for visitors to observe or rent out, along with a public restaurant space to generate revenue for the site year round. In addition to the main structure the project also proposes a new pedestrian bridge to connect the city to the deeds park for processional purposes.



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